Saturday, October 27, 2018

Progress Update: October 27th

(Eric cutting foam mattress)
  • The second top bunk is completed! Eric glued three layers of latex foam we had to make the mattress and then cut it to size. These top bunks have extra space at the foot of the beds which is convenient for a duffel bag or other soft-sided personal luggage. It also allows good access to the opening hatches for air-flow and outer port cleaning/maintenance.
  • A plumbing problem reared its ugly head and shut off water for three days. Happily, everything is now repaired.
  • A few small projects have been completed alongside daily ships' maintenance. We also purchased an inexpensive electric weed whacker to tame the growth along the dock.
  • A lot of heavy flooding was experienced due to Hurricane Michael. Even though the hurricane was far from us, the outer winds were still enough to push a significant amount of water up the bayous and tributaries along the coast. 
  • We would like to give a very grateful shout-out to the ladies who bought really nice material and sewed twelve large curtains for the ship. Lorraine Hofer (purchased material) and Lys Leiter (seamstress). Also Lynn Grell who served as our go-between and provided shipping. Thank you so much ladies... the curtains are beautiful!! Eric will be making dowels and simple block holders for ease of hanging and cleaning.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Progress Update: October 8th

(Eric starting on second top bunk)
  • Bleaching of the helm area walls is now complete and 1/4 of the main salon is finished as well. Mary worked diligently with a toothbrush and cleaner/bleach mix. The remainder of the salon walls will be bleached towards the end of the refit due to all the wood, supplies and tools being stored in that area. 
  • Eric is working back and forth between his current side job and ship projects. Several small things have been taken care of and he has begun building the second top bunk in the forward cabin.