Sunday, March 31, 2019

Progress Update: March 31st

(Eric repairing one of the galley hatches)
  • The new galley flooring installation is completed! Next will be the aluminum hatch rims. There are five wire and hydraulic run access hatches to do.
  • two of the hatches needed repair. The damaged section was removed and a 'biscuit cutter tool' was used for slots and wood 'bicuits' inserted with glue to join the new section to the old hatch. 
  • The last overhead section in the galley is being worked on slowly in order to give Erics' neck and shoulders a break.
  • Eric also did a plumbing job repair to give us water and ice in the refrigerator again. Grateful for this wonderful blessing! 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Progress Update: March 15th

(Eric rewiring overhead galley lights)
  • The galley overhead is almost completed! Lots of trimming, custom fits and rewiring. 
  • The 14 overhead lights looked really damaged from fire residue but came out amazing after special cleaning. Mary used sandpaper, scrub pad and NeverDull metal cleaner.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Progress Update: March 7th

(Eric prepping galley overhead)
  • Moving right along on galley progress! The main galley fiddles are installed and have received multiple coats of varnish.
  • The new vent fan is installed and wired.  Eric had to modify the previous vent air access and build a frame.
  • The J-channels for the overhead panels are 80% installed. Lots of precise measuring involved for each one, plus plywood backing strips.
  • Once the J-channels are completed, the next step will be the overhead panels. Along with panel installation, each light fixture will be taken down, cleaned of smoke damage and then re-wired and installed into the new overhead.
  • We had a few warm days before the next cold snap set in, so Mary took advantage of the nice weather to catch up on outside maintenance. Along with other chores, the upper bridge deck was hand scrubbed to remove the accumulation of winter dirt, dust and pollen.